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Drawing Juice

SEO & SMM Services

We are one among the best SEO & SMM company in online filled with a pool of best SEO & SMM experts, who can deal with your business growth in a most precise and successful manner. If you want to check our SEO project then click button below.

Get Started For SEO!

By optimizing the search engine viability of your site, you are putting your business on the Internet map. This is crucial. Because if search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo cannot find you, it is unlikely your prospects will ever find you.

SEO and SMM Service Provider Be Asked By The Client

We live in a world where technology is integrated into our daily life dominantly ever before. In this era of technology, the concept of business is changing. We live in a time when 22% of the people of this universe use Facebook. 97% of adults under 65 of the USA use social media at least once per month. The retail sale of e-commerce site will be double between 2016 to 2020. So, it is high time to concentrate on your online business. SEO and SMM are the part of proven digital marketing system that can drive more leads to your website. Let’s get a clear sense how SEO and SMM will boost your business more than 100x than ever before.

What is the difference between SEO and SMM?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the technique that helps to improve the position of your website in a search result on the search engine (like google, yahoo, Bing) and you will get the traffic through organic or natural search and Absolutely free of cost.

There are mainly two broad categories of SEO:

  • On page SEO
  • Off Page SEO
ON page SEO:

If you imagine your website as your house then We can compare the on-page SEO with the inside of your house. It means on page SEO concerns the following points:

  • Quality Content & Architecture of the site.
  • HTML Tag
  • Responsiveness & speed of the site
  • Mobile-friendly pages
  • Quality of content
  • Meta Tag & Title
  • Site URL
  • Keyword Analysis and Density
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Internal link building and so on.
Off-page SEO:

Off page SEO can be compared with the outside of your house. It doesn’t exclusively depend on your own hand. It is comparatively the harder part of SEO because you have to depend on another blog or website to get the niche related link. The main area of off page cover:

  • Creating high-quality relevant backlink from the authoritative website.
  • Bookmarking (like social media, directory, web 2.0, etc.)
  • Blog Commenting
  • Image/article submission
  • Video/Infographic submission
  • Link from Question Answer site
  • Document Sharing
  • Social Media Engagement

SMM (Social Media Marketing):

SMM is a system to reach the people through the social media. It is an effective way to get in touch with your potential customer quickly PPC Ad. SMM is another kind of on-page optimization specifically like link building. Say, your name is John Doe. Just search the name in the search engine. Then what is the result? It should be your Facebook, LinkedIn or other social media accounts. Or maybe a website if you have. The main tricks are on page Optimization. It is also the part of digital marketing.

Marketing Can Be Overwhelming. The Good News Is, You Have Options. Thanks To Our SEO Services:

Do I need SEO Service?

Why not? If you have a website or a business and you want to earn money from it, you have to focus on SEO or SMM More or less. If you take the proper care of your site It will back the money which has no limit.

What are the Benefits of SEO?

  • It costs lower than AdWords and PPC marketing
  • PPC or AdWords for a limited time but SEO is a natural way to get Traffic always from SERP
  • More Traffic means More Income
  • Increasing your brand value
  • ROI is far better than a traditional advertisement.

SEO is long term Solution and you will get traffic for a long period of time.

How can I drive digital traffic to my site immediately?

The most effective way to drive more traffic to your site immediately is ads. If you can set perfectly your target and other ads parameter it will drive millions of traffic immediately. You can use any social media platform or directly your site for ads.


What is lead generation?

Lead generation means collecting of information or lead of your potential clients for email marketing. It is a very effective way to reach your customer directly.

What is the role of social media for SEO?

Social media is very important to make a brand. And when you are a brand, your traffic will search by your name. Ultimately it will make a good effect on the Search engine result page (SERP).

Is video important for SEO?

A result found from a study that If your website contains videos its look 53x faster rank on the google first page. Google always loves the quality video with information for rank.

Why SEO is important for your Business?

SEO is the combination of some good practices that will help to rank your site. If Your site will rank once in the top position of the first page of the search engine like google, you will get millions of traffic to your website. Because –

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  • More than 93% of People search on search engine.
  • 75% people never clicked to the next page
  • More than 80% of people click on the organic results.

The most amazing and interesting issue is it is completely free that means you need not pay not a single penny

Really amazing! Isn’t it?

What are the ways of social media campaign for my business?

There are two ways to reach your potential customer by Social media:

  • Paid
  • Free
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Paid method means advertisement and you have to pay for it.

On the other hand, in free method, you need to consistently post on the relevant topics. Quality information and fun post and links will help to build a relationship with your audience.

You can update your post on various social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit etc.

What’s the difference between organic rankings and AdWords?

AdWords means the paid advertising system of Google. If you pay google for certain keywords, Google will show your website in the top position of the first page.

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On the other hand, organic rankings mean rank your website through search engine optimization. And it is more stable process than advertisement.

How can I increase my email list?

You can collect lead from various social media like Facebook Twitter or LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the best platform to collect targeted list because it is the platform of professional.

What is the best way to Optimize my site?

Optimization is not a single term. It depends on a lot of factors. It is better to optimize your site through the combination of Marketing and SEO.

Get Started For SMM!

The ubiquitous use of Facebook extends to more than a quarter of the earths population- that’s more than 2 billion active users. With such a far-reaching scope, it’s no wonder that these social networks have become such a valuable tool for businesses.

Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) Services help your business grow brand awareness, relationships, and website traffic

Social Media Marketing or SMM is a powerful way of gaining traffic or attention through the social media platforms. Social media marketing also build links that in turn helps SEO processes. It allows us to get targeted traffic (free and paid) to our website from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+ or any other social media platforms. These networks are simply a part of daily life for millions – in fact, billions – of us. The ubiquitous use of Facebook extends to more than a quarter of the earths population- that’s more than 2 billion active users. With such a far-reaching scope, it’s no wonder that these networks have become such a valuable tool for businesses. If you’re not posting on Facebook, trending on Twitter or sharing pictures on Instagram, you’re behind the times – but we can help. Effective social media marketing is about much more than just posting. Understanding proper optimization on social networks is a nuanced and delicate thing. What works for one brand may not be best for your brand.

Social Media Marketing is the well-defined technique that targets different social media networks and the applications. This platform is a powerful platform which is helpful in spreading brand awareness and promoting a wide variety of products. Establishing social media presence by targeting the major platforms is essential for the customer-driven organizations or enterprises. Social media presence of the enterprises scales up the brand’s impression and set up the connection between the brand and the customers immediately. This platforms are considered as the best advertising platform. The enterprises strongly have faith in the effectiveness of social media marketing to create and to spread awareness of the brand. A well defined Social Media Marketing Campaign has potential to achieve the targeted goals of the enterprises.

90% of marketers claim that Social Media Marketing generates immense exposure for their company. We at Drawing Juice believe in achieving the best SMM targets for your site. Social media is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing techniques and must be utilized in today’s time. We have a team of professional digital marketers who have extensive knowledge about different social media marketing strategies. We reap out the most favorable benefits from different social media platforms for our valuable clients. We follow the proven methods to create the best SMM campaign and follow step by step process. Our Social Media Services gives you the best possibility to connect you target market place. The results of Social Media Advertising are reflected in the number of re-tweets, shares, comments, likes and views. Social Media Marketing (SMM) encourages user-generated content from within the most popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. We provide extensive marketing campaign services that will help you manage and grow your networks on these communities.


1. We specialize in LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and Facebook and keep up with their changes to algorithms.

2. We will help you set up optimized profiles for the said platforms and manage day to day social media campaign activities.

3. We take time in understanding your targeted buyers and develop a SMM strategy accordingly.

4. We target and focus on the platforms where your target buyer hangs out the most.

5. We share your content in a way which drives traffic and leads to your website.

6. We engage your customer base.

7. We also help you with optimizing social media if you want.

8. We regularly update our strategies to ensure you get best ROI.

Let’s Get Started Then

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Develop These Services Together!